Getting started with Mobotix NAS and MOBOTIX Recording Software

With MOBOTIX NAS and the MOBOTIX Recording Software there is a solution to record MOBOTIX MOVE and 3rd party ONVIF-S compatible camera footage and playback recordings in MOBOTIX Management Center.

Installation and configuration of this system require certain mandatory steps and some additional software.
The Quick Guide-MOBOTIX NAS & MOVE/ONVIF Cameras guides you through the entire proccess.

At a glace, setup includes following steps:

  1. Set up MOBTX NAS for initial configuration.
    The guides for specific NAS models can be downloaded here:
    NAS 251, 2 Bay/8 Channels
    NAS 451, 4 Bay/16 Channles
    NAS 873, 8 Bay/ 32 Channels
  2. Use MOBOTIX NAS Device Finder for Windows or Apple macOS to install MOBOTIX NAS Operating System.
  3. Install MOBOTIX NAS Container Station software and finally MOBOTIX NAS Recorder Software.

Steps 2 and 3 are documented here:

  1. Allocate disc space for ONVIF footage in NAS Recorder Software.
  2. Install latest available firmware for MOBOTIX MOVE cameras.
  3. Add ONVIF Cameras to Mx Management Center.
  4. Add cameras into MOBOTIX Recording Software.
  5. Configure Mx Management Center (minimum Version recommendet: 2.0.1) to play recorded data from MOBOTIX NAS.

Steps 4 to 8 are explained in this document:

  1. If you wish to have recordings of MOBOTIX IoT cameras stored to the same NAS, this document will cover the configuration: