MxMC HealthCheck - Sending status emails in case of system problems

Health Check

The MOBOTIX IOT cameras independently analyse various camera system statuses, such as SD card, sensor status, network traffic, etc… On request, the camera provides an overview of these statuses and divides them into the following categories:

  • Error (red)
  • Warning (yellow)
  • All Good (green)

Previously, the user could query the system status (HealthCheck) in MxMC via one or more cameras on request.
As described in detail in the following report:

HealthCheck Tab

The HealtCheck tab appears as soon as one or more cameras have been selected in the Cameras tab in the Component View and the HealthCheck button has been pressed.

In the new MxMc version 2.9, a time-controlled check is now carried out to determine which status is present and, depending on the filter setting (e.g. only if there is an error in the cameras), a corresponding email is sent instead of always sending an email regardless of the camera status, as was previously the case.

The start time is used to specify when the test should take place for the first time. The interval check is based on this time. In the screenshot above, this means that the check and, if necessary, the email should be sent every day at 10:05.

The user can select hour, day or week as interval options.

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 13.50.12

Important: The check or email can only be carried out or sent if the MxMC is started and in operation!

Deactivating the HealthCheck email: To do this, open the HealthCheck tab again as described above and deactivate the Send email function. Sending an email always applies to ALL cameras in the system, regardless of the cameras selected!

Email result:

The user receives a clear and informative email with all the necessary details.


  • MxMC 2.9 or newer
  • Only MOBOTIX IOT cameras from the P6 models onwards are supported
  • Email account is set up for such specific applications (no email programme), is often combined with two-factor authentication or has been linked under the term Activate Legacy Mode for Apps.
  • Email Notification in the MxMC Preferences is configured and activated!
  • Active Internet connection