New Reseller Function - Reports

Reports Feature in the MOBOTIX CLOUD:

A tool for the Reseller to creat on demand or based on schedule different type of System Reports in his Sub Accounts. The initial release applies to reseller-level users only, and includes 5 reports:

  • Camera List: Export of camera settings for each camera in the VMS (retention/resolution), makes, models, ESNs, etc. This will be most helpful for reviewing and confirming standardized settings across all cameras.
  • Bridge List: Export of bridge settings for each bridge, model, # of associated cameras, etc. .
  • Camera Status: Export of all cameras and an online/offline status for each. Excellent operational report to more easily see all offline cameras in a single report and filter accordingly.
  • Bridge Status: Export of all bridges and an online/offline status for each.
  • User Permissions: Export of all users, associated email addresses, permissions, and timestamp for last login. Useful when we need to confirm access levels for all users.

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 08.17.10

Example for Camera Status Report in HTML Format:

The HTML Format provide a fantastic search function which filter to all items in the matrix. For example Search for specific Firmware Version.
Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 08.56.01