About the Start here! category

Hello All and welcome to the MOBOTIX Community!
This artice explains the community and gives new users some orientation.

The Community is open to anyone seeking information about MOBOTIX products.
For search and reading articles in the product related sections, the “Self Service” Category and the User Forum, no registration is required.
The Community is moderated by MOBOTIX staff members (“Mx-” or “Mx” as prefix of their user names) and brought to life by you, our community members.

Most articles are in german or in english. You might also find some in other languages as french, spanish or italian, and then more. The articles and how to’s posted by MOBOTIX staff will be mostly composed in german and english language.
We do not exclude any language and welcome the diversity of our international user base.

User registration: Want to join and post your own articles or help other users?
In order to post messages or reply to requests, you need to register ! Registration process is simple.
Click “register”, let us know your email address and the username of your choice.
Approval by staff: The community staff manually approves each registration. This might take some time.
First Post: After you have received the approval, there is a waiting time before you are able to create posts. This is to avoid spam. Please use the search function and check if there is already a similar topic before posting.
Trust Levels: As you continue to post articles and replies, your trust level within the community will increase, opening new options as other categories (e.g. “Lounge” or “Feature Request”).
Bagdes: The community rewards users with badges in order to embrace the involvement they invest into it.