The factory IP address of each MOBOTIX camera also corresponds to the Serial Number and thus it’s a unique identifier that can be used to track the product as well as to request an RMA.
Moreover, the factory IP address is strictly related to the camera’s MAC address.
In order to convert an IP address to a MAC address, or vice versa, proceed as follows.
Convert from IP address to MAC address
The first digit of the IP address is always 10 and should be converted with the MOBOTIX MAC manufacturer’s identifier which is 00:03:c5. The remaining 3 bytes of the IP address can be converted byte-by-byte from DEC > HEX as follows:
Decimal (IP) | Hexadecimal (MAC) |
10 | 00: 03: c5 |
12 | 0C |
159 | 9F |
37 | 25 | | 00: 03: c5: 0C: 9F: 25 |
Convert from MAC address to IP address
Example: 00: 03: c5: 0D: 14: 5A
The first three bytes of the MAC address (00:03:c5) are identical for all MOBOTIX cameras. The remaining three bytes of the MAC address can be converted byte-by-byte from HEX > DEC as follows:
Hexadecimal (MAC) | Decimal (IP) |
00: 03: C5 | 10 |
0D | 13 |
14 | 20 |
5A | 90 |
00: 03: c5: 0D: 14: 5A | |