How do I disable the blue boxes in the image?


When the camera is armed for detection of events one of the factory default events is the Video Motion (VM) detection.

As part of the Video Motion detection the Detection Windows are shown in the image.

These windows or boxes are identified by a number on the top left corner.

How to disable the detection windows

Disable the visualization of the detection windows

In order to disable the detection windows go to Setup Menu > Event Overview

And click the Edit button in the Image Analysis Events.

The second block refers to the Video Motion Settings. Click on the drop-down menu for Video Motion Style

and select Off. Set and Close to Save the configuration.

This way the boxes will disappear but they will be in use for the detection.

Set Video Motion detection to inactive

Another way to disable the boxes is disabling Video Motion (VM) completely. Activity Sensor (AS) is recommended for movement detection and it is available in the M12 and all the x4, x5 and x6 models.

In order to disable the Video Motion go to Setup Menu > Event Overview and tick the Inactive box next to the VM event.

Set and Close to Save the configuration.