Introducing the SEDi Pan/Tilt Unit PT5 for MOBOTIX cameras

MOBOTIX partner SEDi ( , produces and distributes a hardware P/T unit with PelcoD protocol fully integrated into ManagementCenter version 2.1.1 or later, the “PT5”.
image image
Find the installation manual here:
Manual PT5 english PoE V1.7 D-S.pdf (3.7 MB)

The pin layout on the unit needs to be adapted to the use case:


Supported Cameras: All MXCameras
with USB (every Firmware)
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(Version 2.1.1 and above)
(and MxCC (Pelco-D Setting))
Supported Cameras: Mx6
(Firmware V5.2.4.15 and higher)
Mx5 (Firmware V4.7.2.34 and higher
image image

This is how to setup ManagementCenter to use the PT5:

  1. Open the camera Configuration in MC

  2. Change „Connection Protocol“ from „MOBOTIX“ to „MOBOTIX with PelcoD“

  3. Restart MxManagmentCenter

  4. Click and hold the left mouse-button for at least 3 seconds on the „Plus-Symbol“

  5. A crosshair will appear in the upper left corner.

    You are now able to control the PT-Unit with your mouse, while holding the left mouse-button inside the picture and moving it to any direction. By clicking on the „Position-Symbol“ image next to the „Plus-Symbol“ you can also call Preset-Positions.

Download as pdf:
PT5-MxMC Configuration_1.pdf (1.6 MB)

Data sheet:
SEDI PT5 Data sheet - 18-19.pdf (637.5 KB)

Declaration of Conformity:
Declaration of Conformity PT5.pdf (573.0 KB)