MOBOTIX HUB - NEW Plug In July 2022 (ENG)

MOBOTIX AG is constantly working on the expansion of the Plug IN Package. Since June, the Plug In Package contains three functions that are described in more detail in the report.

Depending on the version and/or the level of the HUB used, various functions are available in separate tabs or extensions in the existing standard dialogues.

The new version from 29 July contains an extension of the Search Agent for an optimal forensic search by more filter properties in the search with the versions L4 and L5.

Release Notes:

Two major themes have been added to the Search Agent:

  • Many new search filters such as. AI Incident - AI Road, Vaxtor USdot and many more.
  • Extension of the search options for the Vaxtor LPR MMC App events.

Search Filter:


An Example for AI Incident:

The display of the search filter can be displayed in the Management Client of the hub under the MOBOTIX configuration as required for the Desk Client user. This setting determines the search filters for all connected HUB Desk Clients. This reduces the search filter display to the necessary search filters to offer the user an optimised (reduced) search filter mask.

Vaxtor LPR MMC search filter:

In general, four search parameters are now offered with the VaxLPRMMC:

  1. brand (manufacturer)
  2. colour
  3. model (vehicle model)
  4. plate (number plate)

Important it requires the at least the Vaxtor ALPRMMC App Version 1.4.6.


By creating an additional search filter, things can also be excluded from the search, e.g. search all Volkswagen Golf but none with the vehicle colour red!


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