MxMC 2.8 will not start on PC without Sound Card - Windows Server 2019

MxMC Crash during the start

If you got the issue that the MxMC 2.8 crashed right at the beginning after you start it.

This properly depends on the Missing or not supported Audio Hardware of the PC.

MOBOTIX provide since the 2.7 several new Audio library to support different Audio Hardware scenarios.
If you got the follow behavior:
The PC has no sound card or a broken sound driver.

User who has use before the MxMC 2.6 without problems in this setup may would recognize that the MxMC Version 2.7 or higher will not start any more. This is based on a change in the “audio settings” of MxMC from version 2.7 and higher.

To fix it you have to do the following steps

  1. Open the registry. Press key combination Windows + R and type regedit
  2. Go to section **“**Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mobotix\MxManagementCenter\preferences
  3. Create a new folder named audio
  4. Create a new key called soundapistring and set the value to disable