S74 and 4k D080 lens

We have S74 cameras with 4k D080 lenses. We are trying to lower the resolution on the live view from 4k to 1080p, every time we set the general image settings to Full HD, it doesn’t hold and just goes back to Ultra HD.

Are these lenses unable to lower the resolution to Full HD and can only display Ultra HD?

Updated the camera firmware to the latest as well.

Are the Cameras connected to a VMS?
If yes, check the resolution settings in there. When VMS’s have admin access, tend to push their settings to the cameras.

The only thing they are connected to is MxManagement via a project file, which we have set at user access to the camera and cannot change configuration settings there.

The only thing I can imagine wrong is that you do not store configuration and reboot the camera.
What is the whole process that you used to change resolution?