SAFR - How to realize a Door Access with MOBOTIX HUB and IoT Cameras

With the SAFR Face Recognition software and the MxHub, access control based on facial recognition can be implemented in conjunction.

The MxHub serves as access control software and can trigger the camera to open the door when access is permitted.

Of course, you can use the sent analytics events of the SAFR software for any other rule.
For example, you can start recording or trigger an alarm in the MxHub.

In this articel you can also see 2 clips of how it could work for an access control.

How to connect the SAFR software to the MxHub and the inserted cameras can be found in the following instructions:

(instructions follow)

Analytics Event.

After the SAFR <-> MxHub integration has been performed, the automatically created Analytic events can be viewed and used. These events are automatically created during the integration

->ManagementClient → Rules and Events → Analytics Events

These events can be used e.g. for alerting, recording.

How To open Door after a granted access

→ ManagementClient → RecordingServers

Activate the Output of the related camera:

Create a Rule that triggers the Output of a camera after a Named Person was detected.
→ ManagementClient → Rules and Events → Rules

1. How to create an Alarm according to an not allowed access

→ ManagementClient → Alarms → Alarm Definition
→ Right Click : Add New…

  • Name: “for example: Unauthorized Access”
  • Triggering event: " Analytics Events" → “SAFR Threat Detected”
  • Sources: “Select here the source from which the analytic event originates”
  • Initial alarm owner: “Select the ownder of this alarm”
  • Initial alarm priority: “Select the priority of the alarm”

2. How to look into the unauthorized access alarm

→ MxHub DeskClient → AlarmManager

Access granted:

Access denied:

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