Vaxtor ALPR Apps - Available variables to customize MxMessages / 3rd Party reporting

The following variables can be used to customize the meta data content of the MxMessage and/or the 3rd party reporting interfaces:

$date$ = Timestamp in ISO8601 format
$plate$ = Recognized plate number as string
$plateutf8$ = Recognized plate number in utf8 format
$country$ = 3 letter country code
$state$ = Plate state (only applicable for US license plates)
$category$ = Plate category for countries supporting it
$ifblacklist$ … $ifblacklist$ = If the recognized plate is on the blacklist, the text in the ‘if clause’ will be displayed
$ifwhitelist$ … $ifwhitelist$ = If the recognized plate is on the whitelist, the text in the ‘if clause’ will be displayed
$ifnolist$ … $ifnolist$ = If the plate is not on a list, the text in the ‘if clause’ will be displayed
$confidence$ = Global confidence of recognized license plate (0-100)
$charheight$ = Average character height of the recognized license plate (in pixels)
$processingtime$ = Processing time (in milliseconds)
$left$ = Left coordinate for the license plate on the image (in pixels)
$top$ = Top coordinate for the license plate on the image (in pixels)
$right$ = Right coordinate for the license plate on the image (in pixels)
$bottom$ = Bottom coordinate for the license plate on the image (in pixels)
$width$ = OCR image width
$height$ = OCR image height
$roiid$ = ID of the recognition area where the license plate was recognized
$multiplate$ = Number of times that the plate has been read before reporting
$direction$ = Detected vehicle direction (0 = unknown ; 1 = towards ; 2 = away ; 3 = stationary)
$plateimage$ = Cropped JPEG image of the recognized license plate encoded in base64
$platejpegsize$ = JPEG size in bytes
$overviewimage$ = Overview JPEG image encoded in base64
$overviewjpegsize$ = JPEG size in bytes