The following variables can be used to customize the meta data content of the MxMessage and/or the 3rd party reporting interfaces:
$timestamp$ = yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz
$date$ = Timestamp in ISO8601 format
$ocrtime$ = OCR analytic time in milliseconds
$left$ = Left coordinate for the license plate on the image (in pixels)
$top$ = Top coordinate for the license plate on the image (in pixels)
$right$ = Right coordinate for the license plate on the image (in pixels)
$bottom$ = Bottom coordinate for the license plate on the image (in pixels)
$readconfidence$ = Global confidence value
$confidencecode$ = Validation digit. (1=unverified, 2=Owner verified, 3=Owner and CD verified)
$containercode$ = Container code number
$controldigit$ = Container Code Control digit
$ip$ = Camera IP address
$numdigits$ = Number of digits in the code
$ownercity$ = Allocated city of the owner
$ownercode$ = Allocated code of the owner
$ownercompany$ = Owner company name
$readconfidence$ = Confidence of the result – percentage 1:100
$serialcode$ = Container Serial Code
$sizetypecode$ = Container size & type code
$imagesizeinbytes$ = Size of saved complete image
$image$ = JPEG encoded in base64
$patchsizeinbytes$ = Size of the image of recognised text (the patch image)
$patch$ = JPEG of the patch image encoded in base64