The following variables can be used to customize the meta data content of the MxMessage and/or the 3rd party reporting interfaces:
$timestamp$ = yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz
$date$ = Timestamp in ISO8601 format
$ocrtime$ = OCR analytic time in milliseconds
$digitheight$ = Average digit height
$left$ = Left coordinate for the text frame on the image (pixels)
$top$ = Top coordinate for the text frame on the image (pixels)
$right$ = Right coordinate for the test frame on the image (pixels)
$bottom$ = Bottom coordinate for the test frame on the image (pixels)
$readconfidence$ = Global confidence value
$vehicletype$ = UIC Vehicle type
$countrycode$ = UIC Country code
$vehicleclass$ = UIC Vehicle class
$serialnumber$ = UIC Serial number
$uiccode$ = UIC Self check digit