Cancelling signalling phases using other door position contacts

Hello All,
This small article describes how to stop active signalling profiles when you use sensors for the door position not physically wirde to the door station camera.

For outgoing calls using SIP, it’s easy:
http://camera-ip/control/rcontrol?list displays the cameras “rcontrol” (“remotecontrol”)API-functions. in there you find “voiphangup” to cancel any outgoing SIP calls.
So http://camera-ip/control/rcontrol&action=voiphangup will quit any currently active outgoing calls.

If you use any MOBOTIX Software (MxMC, Live APP…) for bell notification it can’t be stopped directly via API.
Reason is:
These clients listen for a signal in the camera stream to start and stop signalling on their own.
The door station by design has an signal input “door position contact”, “DPC” which serves your purpuse if an physical input on an connected doorstation module was configured to be the door position sensor.
To stop clients from signalling, you need to have an I/O box installed and an physical input connected to the defined door position contact. (Admin Menu–>Assign Wires)

If you have such an Input/Output Box as listed beneath,

  • MX-232-IO-Box
  • A combination of MX-OPT-Input1-EXT and MX-OPT-Output1-EXT

DoorStation Specific modules:

  • Keypad or BellRFID
  • DoorMaster (MX-Door2-INT-xx)
  • MX-OPT-IO1

you can:

  • Connect one input of the device to one of the outputs using 2 wires. (Input x +/- to Output x +/-).
  • Define the input you use for this as the “DPC”.
  • Now you can use the cameras API, an IP message with text or the “User Click”-Event as event to close the output used as direct API command or an action by an event.
    (This API or IP Notify can also be sent by another software/sensor to the camera)
  • This will close the circuit to the “DPC” as input and stop the currently active signalling phase.

Don’t forget to enable “Automatically Stop Ringing” in Admin Menu–>Bell Behavior and Video Mailbox!
