The typical billing questions are listed here. The billing from the MOBOTIX CLOUD Reseller to the end customer may differ from this and is based on the agreements concluded with the MOBOTIX CLOUD Partner (reseller).
When and how will I be billed?
Billing is on a monthly basis. Billing takes place monthly in advance and the service expires at the end of the month after it has been deactivated by you at some point in the future. Invoices are automatically generated by our system and sent to the billing contact by e-mail. If you have switched to annual billing, you will continue to receive a monthly invoice with monthly reconciliation of subscription activity.
What does the invoice look like in detail?
Cloud resellers receive an email with the invoice in PDF format at the beginning of the month. The PDF contains the amount for the entire cloud service of their sub-accounts. On the other hand, a second email is sent with several CSV files. These contain the detailed invoices for the cloud sub-accounts. The following CSV files are included by default (can be customised after consultation with
- DistriInvoiceDetail.csv (Detailed information with total amount the reseller has to pay to MOBOTIX)
RecommendedCharges.csv (Detailed information with total amount about the subaccounts what the end customers have to pay, ideal for automatic billing)
PartnerSummings.csv (Overview of what each individual sub-account has to pay)
PartnerInvoiceDetails.csv (One per SubAccount, for forwarding to the end customer)
The following community report explains the billing process in detail
MOBOTIX CLOUD - Invoicing Process Details - ENG
How are the subscription types (Subscription) determined?
MOBOTIX CLOUD subscriptions are determined by the cloud storage and full video resolution selected in the settings for each camera stream. In addition, an analysis can be activated for each camera. For each activated analysis per camera stream, a subscription is charged.
When and how will I be billed?
You will be billed on a calendar month billing cycle. If you require a different specific period, please contact the billing department. Invoices are automatically generated by our system and emailed to the billing contact. If you have switched to annual billing, you will continue to receive a monthly invoice with monthly reconciliation of subscription activity. (is in preparation and will be available soon).
Can I have accounts with monthly and annual billing cycles?
A MOBOTIX CLOUD Partner can have monthly or annual billing cycles for each of its end-user accounts, but the bridges and cameras within each end-user account must all be billed with the same monthly or annual cycle.
I have connected a multi-stream camera from a free provider to a bridge. How will I be billed for this camera?
The billing of the MOBOTIX CLOUD VMS subscription is based on the number of camera streams connected to our system. If four streams are selected for your camera, you will be billed for four camera subscriptions. You can remove camera streams that you do not need. (Currently, MOBOTIX cameras do not provide cloud relevant multistream variants).
Where can I see my subscription settings?
Each subscription invoice contains additional attachments - the customer account summary and the line item summary. The Customer Account Summary contains a summary listing of subscription charges by customer account and the Line Item Details contain the subscription charges by individual camera. The current camera settings can also be viewed at the individual camera level on our MOBOTIX CLOUD video platform.
I am a MOBOTIX CLOUD partner (reseller). Can my customer change the subscription settings?
Yes, by default, your customer can make changes to the camera settings, which may result in changes to the subscription prices. As a reseller, you can restrict access to prevent your customer from making these changes.
I selected the wrong settings in my account and now I am being charged for them. What do I need to do to correct my settings?
You can correct the camera settings to the subscription plan you want. The MOBOTIX CLOUD billing system will then take the changes to the new settings into account for the next billing. There is no refund of the difference!
What are the default settings on a Bridge?
Mx-HD1-D30 (HD resolution and 30 days recording) is the default setting for our MOBOTIX CLOUD platform, provided that the cameras can record at 720P. Each MOBOTIX partner (reseller) or individual end user account can also be assigned their own default settings for cloud storage and full video resolution via the “Account Settings” drop-down menu on the platform.
How are the resolutions designated as HD calculated in the settings?
The camera resolution settings are calculated using the following information:
- SD1 - Video resolution pixel range (width x height) = 0 to 600,000 pixels.
- HD1 - video resolution pixel range (width x height) = 600,001 pixels to 1,400,000 pixels
- HD2 - video resolution pixel range (width x height) = 1,400,001 pixels to 2,400,000 pixels
- HD3 - video resolution pixel range (width x height) = 2,400,001 pixels to 3,200,000 pixels
- HD4 - video resolution pixel range (width x height) = 3,200,001 pixels to 4,100,000 pixels
- HD5 - video resolution pixel range (width x height) = 4,100,001 pixels to 5,100,000 pixels
- HD10 - video resolution pixel range (width x height) = 5,100,001 pixels and more
If I switch off my cameras, will the billing be interrupted?
No, turning off or unplugging a camera does not interrupt subscription billing. The video associated with the camera will still be stored in the cloud, so subscriptions will continue to accrue. To stop subscription billing, the camera must be deleted. When the camera is deleted, all recorded video in the cloud storage is deleted forever.
My internet is down. Will I get a credit for the time the cameras were not recording?
Sorry, no. The MOBOTIX CLOUD VMS Service has no control over the network connection that connects your cameras to the cloud. No credits will be issued for Internet outages. In the event of an Internet failure, the cameras will continue to be recorded locally on the Bridge and later transferred to the Cloud. A properly configured system can buffer for up to two days without internet and then sync to the cloud once internet is available again.
Can I interrupt/suspend my billing without deleting cameras?
No, unfortunately not. To stop billing, the cameras must be deleted, otherwise the videos will continue to be stored in the cloud and therefore a fee will be charged. It is important to note that deleting a camera also includes deleting all stored videos.
I would like to test the MOBOTIX CLOUD devices before installing them on a customer’s premises. When does billing start?
Billing starts when a camera is connected to an active MOBOTIX CLOUD Bridge over the end of the month. If you want to test the hardware before installation and/or deployment, connect the cameras, add them, test them and then delete them before the last day of the month. In this way, no fees are usually charged. When installed, reconnecting the cameras will restart the subscription.
How do annual subscriptions work?
MOBOTIX CLOUD offers the option of annual subscriptions at a reduced rate. You pay a specific subscription price for cameras for the entire year. Every month, you will receive a monthly statement for the funds used within the subscription plan. If the number of cameras, resolution, storage or other features change, these changes will be reflected in the monthly invoice. Any additional features will be subject to an additional charge for the remainder of the annual billing cycle and a corresponding invoice. No credit for the difference can be given for deletions or downgrades to the subscription. The new settings will only be taken into account at the end of the booked period. Important: The change in your account will only be included in the invoice at the end of the month. It is important that annual subscriptions are billed at the end customer level. All cameras connected to bridges of this customer account will be billed annually once this option has been selected.
How do I order an annual subscription?
The cloud partner orders the corresponding annual subscription with the exact details of his sub-account and the desired camera subscription (resolution and recording duration subscriptions e.g. HD2-D7). Analytic subscriptions, e.g. if people counting is used, must also be specified and will be included in the annual subscription.
- The order for an annual subscription must be received in writing **by the 15th of the month **to ensure a changeover for the following month)
Can only one of the bridges and the associated cameras of the sub-account be converted to an annual subscription?
No, technically we can only convert the ENTIRE sub-account with all the cameras assigned to it to annual billing. It is not possible to mix monthly and annual billing.
When can I order an annual subscription?
After all the intended cameras have been registered in the cloud and billing-relevant settings such as resolution, recording time and analytics requirements have been finalised and confirmed by the end customer. ‘Quasi’ after the project has been completed and handed over to the end customer, the system is ready for a change of billing period from monthly to annual.
What about the monthly costs that were incurred before the sub-account was switched to an annual subscription?
In the standard mode of the cloud, billing is automatically monthly after the first camera is added. If the service is used beyond the end of the month, billing is automatically based on monthly subscription costs. Typically, installation, corresponding parameterisation and final coordination of the required resolution and recording duration with the end customer takes a few days. It is therefore always necessary to calculate with a monthly invoice until the customer project is ready to switch to an annual subscription. Permanent changes to the conditions of the number of cameras and cost-relevant settings in an annual billing are not intended and result in a disproportionately high administrative effort. Monthly billing is suitable for projects that require flexible and permanent changes.
What is a subaccount?
Every cloud reseller has their own reseller account in which they can create sub-accounts for their end customers. The customer’s bridges and cameras are assigned to these sub-accounts. The end customer accesses their sub-account with their user data via the login page and can access their cameras. Billing to the end customer by the cloud partner is based on the accrued subscription costs of the end customer’s subaccount!
Difference between a software licence and a service (VSaaS) on a subscription basis
‘Subscription’ means “subscription”. In connection with a software solution such as the MOBOTIX CLOUD VSaaS, the customer pays a regular fee and has a right of use over a fixed period of time. MOBOTIX AG is responsible for maintenance, servicing and updating. With a classic licence purchase, the software is transferred to the customer. The customer is therefore responsible for operation, updating to new versions and implementing further developments. With MOBOTIX Cloud VSaaS, the service and billing begins with the registration / addition of the camera(s). In the case of classic software licensing, the purchase of the licence and the activation of the software are independent of each other in terms of time.
A very good example is the cloud service ‘Netflix’, which provides a service for its customers to watch films and series at any time and from anywhere. Billing is based on availability and is independent of actual usage by the customer. The MOBOTIX Cloud enables registered cameras to deliver data to the cloud at any time and allows users to retrieve it at any time and from anywhere.