Deletion of Recordings over NFS

Hi, thank you for this community, it has helped me a lot so far!

I run a small NAS instance (TrueNAS), which is used as NFS-Fileserver to save the recordings of my two D14.

I had to get something fixed on NAS, having it offline for nearly a day. Of course the D14 showed some errors because of this, but nothing unusual.

Few hours after getting it back online, I look to the “disk usage” graph and was quite baffled, to see that over a period of about an hour, the used disk space got down a lot. Something has deleted the existing recordings. It’s not important data, but I’d like to know what was going on that caused the deletion. Couldn’t find anything in the server logs regarding this.

Couldn’t find anything in the documentation to explain this behaviour.

Is it possible that they just “reinitialized” the remote directory? They are configured to hold recordings for 7 days. Worked flawless so far.

Thank you so much!

Can you check the retention period on the D14?

All recording retention will be managed by the camera. You can always send us the report dmp file to