HOW TO: Enable Local Display on the MOBOTIX CLOUD

This article shows how to display cameras/layouts on a local monitor connected to a bridge or to a browser over a local network.

Local Display via Monitor

  1. Connect the monitor to the MOBOTIX Bridge.

  2. Go to and use your credentials to log in your account

  3. On the dashboard press the settings button of the bridge you want to enable the local display.

  4. Click on the “Local Display” tab.

  1. Check the box next to Local Display via Monitor.

  2. Drag a layout from Layouts Available to the Layouts on Display.

  1. Press the Save Changes button.

The layout should now appear on the monitor.

Local Display via Browser

Local Display via Browser streams a layout to a computer on the same network as the MOBOTIX Bridge.

  1. On the MOBOTIX CLOUD Dashboard, navigate to the Bridge Settings .

  2. Check the box next to Local Display via Browser.

  1. Drag the layout you wish to display from Layouts Available to the Layouts on Display.

  1. Type the IP of the bridge into the browser of a computer on the same network.

  2. A login prompt will appear. Enter the username and password of an admin user on the account to start the display.

The selected layout will now be displayed in the browser’s window.