Raw TCP/IP messages can be used to execute one or more actions on a MOBOTIX camera.
In this example when camera A detect a VM event, it sends a passphrase to camera B located in the same network. When camera B receives the message it compares its content with a predefined text or a regular expression and if it matches an Action Group will be executed.
Configuration on Camera A (sender)
Go to Admin Menu >> IP Notify Profiles and create a new profile as shown in the picture.
Select “Custom Configuration” as a “Predefined Configuration”, type the IP address of the recipient camera followed by the listening port (i.e. 8000), select “Raw TCP/IP” as a “Transfer Protocol” and type Alarm! in the text box.
Go to Setup Menu >> General Event Settings and enable the Arming.
Go to Setup Menu >> Events Overview and click on the “Edit” button in the “Image Analysis Event” section. Create a new Video Motion profile or modify one of the pre-configured profiles.
Go to Setup Menu >> Action Group Overview and create a new Action Group.
The Action Group will be activated by Video Motion events and it will trigger the IP Notify profile called “Alarm”.
Configuration on Camera B (receiver)
In order to receive the TCP message, Camera B needs to be listening on the same port Camera A is sending the message to (e.i. port 8000).
Go to Setup Menu >> General Event Settings and enable the Arming.
Go to Setup Menu >> Events Overview and click on the “Edit” button in the “Messages” section. Create a new Message event and make sure the port is the same specified in the IP Notify profile of Camera A.
Select “IP Receive” as an “Event Sensor Type”, select “String Compare” from the “Match Mode” drop-down menu and type Alert! in the “Message” filed. Press “Set” to apply the settings.
Go to Setup Menu >> Action Group Overview and create a new Action Group.
The Action Group will be activated when a Raw TCP/IP message with the text “Alert!” is received and it will trigger two different actions: Visual Alarm and Play Sound.