How to Stream a Mobotix Camera on Youtube (RTSP)

1. Needed components and account

1. MOBOTIX camera
First of all, you need a MOBOTIX camera with a Firmware version or later. This Firmware comes with the latest hardware platform x6. Those are M16, M26, S16, D16, Q26, v26, p26, c26 and i26.

2. OBS Streaming software
As the software is for free, you can simply download it from:
It is available for Linux, Windows and Mac. In our test setup we had the version 20.1 for MacOSX

3. VLC Player
You will need the VLC player to receive the video stream in the process background VLC Player can be downloaded for free.

4. Other
You need a Youtube/Google account.
Good internet connection with a minimum upload speed of 2 Mbit/s.

5. Schematic


2. How to Configure

  1. Enable the integration protocol in the admin menu

→ Open your camera in the web browser
→ Go to Admin menu - Integration Protocols


→ Tick the checkbox RTP Server & press „set“
→ Go to Admin menu - Speaker and Microphone
→ Active the microphone. Press „set“ and then „close“ to permanently store the settings


2. VLC Player

→ Install and open the VLC Player. Click „open media“ → „network“ and enter the following string:


and press open. You should now see the camera live image. This is just a test to see if it works.


3. Youtube

Go to and login. →
Scroll down to see your server url and key. You will need them later in the OBS configuration. Keep the youtube website open.


4. OBS

Install OBS and run it.
→ Add a new Scene and name it „YoutubeStream“.
→ Add a „VLC video source“ as a source.


→ Add RTSP address to the playlist (+ symbol and „add Path/URL) and click „OK“


→ Now, you should see your camera Live Image. You can also scale it.


→ OPTIONAL: You can add other programs or a second camera stream to this page. OBS will stream everything simultaneously.


→ Open the OBS streaming setting. OBS - Preferences - Stream
→ Select YouTube as the platform and enter your youtube streaming key (see above) → Click „OK“ and press „Start streaming“

3. Test

Go to your youtube live dashboard and check if the stream is working. This may take a while.
If it doesn‘t work, double check you settings. Use VLC to test if the RTSP stream from the camera is working. Check your internet connection and your OBS stettings.

Another alternative without the need for a PC or software that is fluid and with MxPEG HD or Full HD quality

Will this also work with h264? Or does it only work with MJPEG?

Thank you guys for this manual!

If it works in h264, but if you want in HD or Full HD you need Ram and Processor resources, a dedicated PC and the consumption of Light.
For 30 € per month unlimited 24h / 365d with the Wolkam solution and in MxPEG with higher quality is not worth it is my opinion.

We have captured many customers who were using that solution.
We have thoroughly tested it and it has some bugs when it is working hours.
I recommend it for a home use and short space of time is not for 24/365.
And it is not necessary to use the VLC.
Directly to HTTP is in M-JPEG or RTSP

Unfortunately OBS does not support MxPEG. OBS supports most codecs out there, including H264 so both codecs provided by the MxCamera in the RTSP stream. M-JPEG will be supported in the P3 platform (x4 and x5 camera models) and both M-JPEG and H264 in the Mx6 series.

This method can be used to stream the camera from a cloud solution using dedicated online servers, there is no need to have a PC online at home as there are many providers with competitive prices. Another option is a technological partner who supplies such services.

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Hi devision,

Could you please explain detailed what is that alternative that you talked about?

Thanks in advance!

That looks great but how does it work?

Hello Spanani

This is a custom solution created in 2012 by Wolkam IT.
It works without soft or hard, we just need the URL of your camera.
We deliver to customer a player in html to insert in web or social networks channel (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter) with audio included.

The Streaming service is 24/7 unlimited.
All mobotix models are compatible with the solution from series 1 to 6 and any codec, we recommend MxPEG or MxPEG + for better video quality.

The minimum requirements for a smooth emission are 800Kb/s of upload bandwidth.
We also have solutions for automated TIME-LAPSE creation and conversion of recordings in mxg to MPG4

If you need more information or request a demo please feel free to write to

I am keen to try this with a M16TR camera running firmware version MX-V5.2.4.15-r2. However, the options/layout of the Integration Protocols has changed since this article was written and I do not see the same choices. Can someone please explain which options I need to select with the newer firmware to set this streaming up?