With the MOBOTIX HUB IoT Event Search Plugin, we offer the possibility to search for IoT events in the DeskClient.
- Image analysis event (ActivitySensor/Videomotion)
- Environment event (e.g. thermal radiometry)
- MxMessage event
- META Event
How you have to configure this and how you can use it, you can see in this article.
1. Configure Events in your IoT Camera
2. Select your Events in the Recording setting of the camera
Its important the the events you want to use, trigger a recoding within the camera.
in this example we ware using the Activity Sensor.
The MxHub System reacts on the following URL:
This alarmupdate only appears, when a recording within the camera is triggered.
Check if the camera is armed.
The camera is now finished and ready to add into the MxHub
3. Add the IoT Devices to the corresponding camera in the MxHub
ManagementClient → RecordingServer → Select your RecordingServer → Select the camera you want to use → Events → Add…
Select Image Analysis Event: AS and click OK
This Event is now listed in the Eventlist:
4. Create a Rule for Recording
To get a recording for the Image Analysis Event you have to create a Rule
ManagementClient → Rules and Events
Right Click → Add Rule…
Create a Recording Rule (This is only an example)
Now the MxHub is recording when the Activity Sensor of the camera is triggering
5. Set the Event Retention Time
Managemement Client → tools → options → Alarms and events
If you don’t set this, you are not able to Search for Events
6. Set an Search Filter in the MxHub DeskClient
Select a time range for the filter
Select the camera you want to filter
Click on Search for…
Select MOBOTIX IoT Events and click on New Search
The following filter will appear.
Select the event type which you want to filter and search for
After you have selected the event type you can fill in a name of the event to filter more specific.
When clicking on an event, you will get more informations about this event and you can playback this event.
Here you can see a short clip of how to interact with this plugin