Is there a way to setup a hyperlink to reference the IP of the camera in focus (for instance to send a sound to the camera)… I tried using “http://$(ID.ETHERNET)” but it doesn’t appear to work as expected.
you can do it but not in the way that you thought.
For example you can set a hyperlink to address whatever camera is at this moment is in focus window. The API that you need i.e to play a sound on a camera is http://CamIP/control/rcontrol?action=sound&soundfile=Alarm (or the name of the file you want to play)
In the articles below you can find more infos about IP notify
You reply that “you can set a hyperlink to address whatever camera is at this moment is in focus window”, but I still do not see how to address the camera that has the focus. Is there a variable for the camera in focus? Currently, I can only specify a static IPaddress in a hyperlink that affects only that specific camera - not the camera in focus.
a bit late but here’s the solution, which is implemented in MxMC newest version.
Softbuttons Settings
Softbuttons can be used to send HTTP requests to camera or other external devices. When editing Softbuttons, you can select an individual button icon for the hyperlink or set one button from which to run all
Type: Select the type of HTTP Command. Available types are:
- Static Link: A full URL is required here, e. g. “”)
- Camera Command: The HTTP Command is sent only to the selected camera.
- Group Command: The HTTP Command is sent to the selected camera group.
So when you choose Camera Command, the selected camera (which normally is the one in the focus window) will play that sound.