Overview of MOBOTIX special hand tools

For some camera models, special tools are included in the standard delivery.

The tools are listed below, most of them also can be ordered as spare parts.

module wrench (black)

lens wrench (black)lens wrench (black)2lens wrench (black)3

MOBOTIX number 31.263

  • used for mounting sensor modules into M16 and module mounts
  • insert and remove protective screen

lens wrench (blue)

lens wrench (blue)lens wrench(blue)2lens wrench (blue)3

MOBOTIX number 32.664

  • installing/removing the dome cover
  • focusing hemispheric lenses

lens wrench (grey)


MOBOTIX number 30.583

  • used for mounting sensor modules into M16 and module mounts
  • focusing lenses of P26 and sensor modules (B036 to B237)

custom magnetic tool (for D1x)


MOBOTIX number 30.106

  • removing outer shell
  • switching boot modes (DHCP, factory reset, …)

Anti-theft Protection Key (T2x)


MOBOTIX number 30.744

  • unlock the mechanical Anti-theft Protection in MOBOTIX frames


FlatMount Frame Ruler

MOBOTIX number 31.429

  • detach module from FlatMount Frame

screwdriver 2x40


No MOBOTIX number.

The screwdriver is not available as a spare part, all screwdrivers with a blade width of 2mm can be used.

Siedle frame key (black)


No MOBOTIX number.

Tool not available as a spare part, included with Siedle frames.

  • used to remove modules from Siedle frames.

HI Guys, i’m new to the forum. i was wondering can anyone suggest how i can get my hands on the Lens wrench (blue) tool. I’ve tried my local distributor for some time now but no luck. i’ve checked ebay, no luck! wound be greatly appreciated if i could get some direction on obtaining one.


I found this packed with a Mobotix camera. Is it a tool?

Vous avez commandé une caméra thermique ?

Non, c’est une caméra normale de jour.

Bonsoir Anderson,
vous pouvez me dire quel modèle ?


This is not a tool, it’s just a safety device for transporting the camera.

B. Enz

Thanks for confirming what I suspected!