Windows 7 and License support

The MxMC 2.0 cant support the license features in a Windows 7 Version.
Windows 7 is on the way to phase out by microsoft and get in the future only security related patches.
In some circumstances the Windows 7 could support the license functionalities with the MxMC 2.0. Unfortunately the MxMC can´t identified this circumstances automatically and the default behavior is don’t activate the license function at all, to provide the most compatibility for the Windows 7 users.

Never less we build in a hidden switch to enable the license function in the windows 7 operating system.
The user can check individually if his windows 7 setup supports the license function. In any startup issues the user can disable the function easily.

How to enable the hidden parameter for Windows:
In the Windows Registry create the follow new parameter: “HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Mobotix/MxManagementCenter/preferences/general” create the follow string (REG_SZ) forceLicenseSystem and set the parameter to „true ".

How to enable the hidden parameter for Mac systems:

  • Open the Terminal Windows
  • Type in "killall -u cfprefsd“
  • Type in “defaults write com.mobotix.MxManagementCenter.plist preferences.general.forceLicenseSystem -bool YES”