D15 :ethernet interface not working and leds blinking

Hello all, I have a D15 camera not working

I tryed to reset following istructions at this post

but nothing helped

The issue started after a reboot (before this reboot the camera was working ok), after boot leds flash this way
first leds 2 and 4 flash 7-8 times fast
then leds 2 stay on not blinking, and leds 3 and 4 blinking fast forever
leds 1 never turn on
ethernet interface never turn on, on the switch where the camera is connected the “link” led never turn on

Does that sequence of blinking mean some error specific?

Thanks you

Hi @RobertoG,

I apologise for the delay in getting back to you.

If you can no longer access a camera, the only option is to restart the camera in the factory settings on the hardware side.

You can find the procedure for this here:
3.2.4 Starting the Camera with Factory (Network) Settings

If there is still no link (no LED) on the switch that confirms the data transfer, there may be a defect in the camera.