In order to fully clean MxMC, you will need to conduct the following steps:
Open Explorer (Win+R) and type
to open the installation folder and
delete the folder MxManagementCenter -
Open the Registry Editor (Win+R > regedit.exe) and find the following key
and delete the folder MxMangementCenter
Go to
/Users/<your user name here>/Library/Preferences/
and delete the file com.mobotixMxManagementCenter.plist -
Then go to
/Users/<your user name here>/Library/Mobotix
and delete the folder MxManagementCenter
NOTE: The Library folder referenced above is a hidden folder, sometimes referred to as ~/Library. To access this hidden Library, use Alt + Go option in the Finder’s menu to jump to it.
- Open Finder. 2. Hold down Alt (Option) and choose Go from the dropdown menu bar at the top of the screen. 3. You will see the ~/Library folder listed below the Home folder. Click on it to go straight to the folder.