How to send commands to cameras or other systems via Batch file

In the basic version it is not possible to send commands by a rule to other systems.
Like e.g. the arming control of IoT cameras.

However, an additional plugin can be integrated here, which allows to execute batch files.
In these batch files you can send e.g. HTTP APIs with a curl command.

How this works you can see in this article

1.Download the BatRules Plugin

Unzip this ZIP File and Copy the folder BatAction into the following Path on Windows:

C:\Program Files\MOBOTIX\HUB Event Server\MIPPlugins


Note: Depending on IT’s security policy, there is a possibility that BatAction.dll cannot be started.

in this case this must still be unblocked/allowed.

Right Click → BatAction.dll

Click the Checkbox: Unblock

2.Create a Batch file

in this example I created 2 Batch files which are sending 2 HTTP APIs to a IoT camera.

  1. API Enables/Disables the arming
  2. API stores the configuration permanently

However, you can of course create a batch file as you need it, this is just an example.

Arming OFF:
curl “http://admin:04021993@
curl “http://admin:04021993@

Arming ON:
curl “http://admin:04021993@
curl “http://admin:04021993@

3. Copy that Batch File into the Plugin Folder

Copy and Paste this files into the following Path in Windows:

C:\Program Files\MOBOTIX\HUB Event Server\MIPPlugins\BatAction\BatFiles

Bat file path

4.Restart the EventServer of the MOBOTIX HUB

EventServer restart

4.Select the Batch File in a Rule
Now you should see another item under the actions in a rule of the ManagementClient: Execute <*.BAT>.

Select this in your rule.

Now you can see your inserted batch files and insert them into the rule.

Select targets

In this example I will execute the Batch Files via MxHUB DeskClient and configured some User-defined events.
I’ve created a Arming off and an Arming On User defined event
You can execute this also by a Motion Rule or something else. You are free of which Event or timetable should execute this files.

See Article:

5. Open MxHub DeskClient

You can find the User defined Events on the left Side under: Event

In this example the Arming of the camera S74-VaxALPR will be disabled and enabled by clicking on the user defined events.

Arming off → Batch File: Armingoff is triggerd
Arming on → Batch File: Armingon is triggerd

You can see the correct execution of the batch file in the fact that the recording icon in the camera goes off and on.