Mobotix M12 Password resetting

Is there any way to reset the Mobotix M12 Camera.
I forgot my username and password please help me out and give me a suggestion what I have to do.

MOBOTIX have a very high security Level and a Password Reset for the very old M12 can be only done by the MOBOTIX Production Repair Team. They have to open it and reprogram the Camera with a special Interface.
Please follow the attached Report.

ONLY for newer Cameras:
For newer Cameras we provide a secure Update File (MPL FILE) on request, If the installed firmware is higher than you can contact your dealer and ask for a password MPL file. If you buy the cameras directly at Mobotix, feel free to contact our RMA team:

Is there any production team in India so that we could send the camera to production team for login credentials.

Sorry we have only in Germany a Production Facility, the camera needs to be send to Germany.
Please get in contact with our RMA Team. (Please keep in mind a password reset is NOT Free of Charge!)

Properly a option is to get a new Camera with the latest technology and security , is a option instead of invest the password reset and Transport and Transfer Time to Germany.
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