SGSE - AJAX Intrusion Panels Integration for MOBOTIX HUB - EN

AJAX panels integrated into MOBOTIX HUB VMS

Monitoring, triggering events, remote control of Ajax alarm system integrated into MOBOTIX HUB VMS.

Intrusion and CCTV in the same platform. Import configuration, receive events, send commands… Mobile and WebClient too! With Desk Client you can see the state of panels in a map and command their partitions, zones, outputs with simple context menu. inc, temperature, C02 & humidity detectors.

AJAX panels integrated into MOBOTIX HUB - Monitoring, triggering events, remote control of Ajax alarm system integrated into MOBOTIX HUB VMS.

With this plugin, you will be able to connect to more than one Ajax panel simultaneously.
Add them in a extremely simple way and import configuration automatically.
You can define alarms or rules based on events received from the panel. You can also perform actions on panels as consequences of rules.
You will be able to interact with the panel both from rules actions as well as from a MOBOTIX HUB map. You can arm or disarm the whole panel, silence bells, arm or disarm a specific partition, change the inhibition status of zones, activate or deactivate an output…
And you will be able to monitor the status of the sensors (life quality) through the monitoring of pressure, CO2 & temperature.

Key features

  • Full integration into MOBOTIX HUB VMS logic and interface: events, rules, alarms, actions, user roles permissions, maps.
  • Extremely easy way to add panels in MOBOTIX HUB. Import panel configuration automatically.
  • Integration in MOBOTIX HUB Maps, simple drag and drop and right-click commands.
  • Monitor the status of Jeweller elements: sensors, keypads, expanders, …!
  • Select the kind of sensor of each zone to display the most appropriate icon on the map.

What is needed to use the plugin:

SGSE - AJAX Monitor PlugIn

How it works:

Video demonstration of the Intrusion Plugin on Ajax devices in MOBOTIX HUB.

MOBOTIX HUB Desk Client interaction with the Ajax intrusion system through the features of the “Ajax Monitor” Plugin.

Download / Support information

  • More information on the plugin:

    • Contact SGSE:
  • MOBOTIX HUB Version used at the time of testing: 2023 R3

  • SGSE Ajax Monitor PlugIn Version: 1.24.3001 or higher

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How to install the plugin:
