Seeking help to identify economical “Relay” purchase option for use with MX D10D-FixDome “RS 232 Signal Out (SO)” control of outside LED strip lighting. MX D10D-FixDome purchased in 2006 and still functioning “perfectly”!) LED strip lighting operation through “Time Table” - - setting: “On” Daily 22:00 - 22:59; “Off” 23:01. Components, 1) MXD10, 2) Relay, and 3) LED strip lighting and to operate w/own power source.
Thank you very much for Relay purchase suggestion, and any advice regarding this set-up may or may not work. … rgds MLL
Hi, I wondering how can work it… One solution can be relay. You can buy it in shop, or on ebay.
Another solution can be -if led strip power consumption fit for USB standards -
Admin/Hardware config/manage hardware options/ External USB Harddisk
In this case no need relay, just an USB cable.
Thank you for your thoughts on this. LED strip lighting will be 110-120VAC, so lighting will need own power source (110 electrical outlet). Also, MXD10 “RS 232 Signal Out (SO)” connector is only option, as 2006 built MXD10 has only three (3) connectors… i. 10BaseT (Ethernet network), ii. In/Out - RS232, and iii. ISDN. Therefore, will need 12V RIB (Relay In A Box - waterproof) with RS 232 interface, and
own power source. … rgds MLL