How to use AnalyticEvents using the example: Vaxtor MOBOTIX HUB Event and have a look into the Metadaten within an Alarm

The Vaxtor apps offer in their integration interface to send your metadata to the MxHub directly.

In this case, the metadata can be viewed in an MxHub alarm.

To send data directly from the app to the MxHub, you need to proceed as follows.

1. Activate Milestone Analytic Event in the camera.

Setup Menu: Certified Apps → Vaxtor App → Reporting → Milestone Analytic Event.

Now enter the following data:

2. Prepare MxHub to receive Analytic Events

- ManagementClient → Tools → Options → Analytic Events

=>Check the box Enabled

=> Enter port: Default port 9090, This must also be entered in the Vaxtor app if it is changed.

=> Now you can decide if every address can send an analytic event or if the reception is limited to certain addresses only.

3. Create Analytic Event

- ManagementClient → Rules and Events → Analytics Events

  • Add a new Analytics event, by Right Click → Add new…

=> The name must be as follows for the Vaxtor application: VaxALPR On Camera Event

The name must be explicitly named so.

Explanation of the name:

The Vaxtor app sends its metadata in a certain format (XML) and MxHub expects a certain structure.

The name is contained in the “Message” section.

If you take a closer look at the sent message, the app itself sends the following data: “Image data has been removed due to clarity”.

Message names for AI-Tech Apps:
AITraffic: Road
AIBiodeep: Bio
AICrowdDeep: Overcrowd
AIFacedetect: Face
AIFire: Fire
AIIntrusionPro: Sterile_Zone, Crossing_Line, Intrusion_Pro
AILoitering: Loitering
AILost: Lost
AIParking: Parking_Spot_Change, Parking_Lot

4. Create alarm and view the metadata in an alarm

  • ManagementClient → Alarms → Alarm Definitions

  • Add a new alarm

=> Name can be freely assigned Ex: S74-VaxALPR

=> Trigger Event: Analytics Event

=> Select the created Analytics Event: “VaxALPR On Camera Event”.

=> Sources: Select the camera to which the metadata was sent: Ex: S74-VaxALPR

=> Time profile: here you can decide when the alarm should be active

=> Map: Here you can decide whether the alarm is displayed on a pro app or on your own map.

=> Initial Alarm Owner: Select your system.

=> Initial alarm priority: Select the desired priority

Now the ManagemetClient automatically sends an alarm to the HubDesk application after receiving the metadata.

5. Enable alarms and notifications in the Hub Desk.

To receive alarm notifications in HubDesk, you must enable them

→ Settings → Alarm Manager

→ There you can decide if the sound should be played that was specified in the ManagementClient or not

→ Here you can manually activate the desktop notification or accept the options set in the ManagementClient. You can find these in the ManagementClient under : HubDeskt Profile → Alarm Manager

Generally, the app sends an alarm image from the time it has performed a detection.

You can view this under “Alarm Manager”.

If you additionally configure a recording through the Analytic Events, you will also receive the recording.

If you click on an alarm in the alarm list with the right mouse button and click on Edit, you will receive, in addition to the recording, the metadata supplied, such as the following Licenseplate