A Bridge Swap will replace an offline bridge with a new online bridge.
Attached cameras will transfer to the new bridge in the dashboard.
There are a few prerequisites for executing a bridge swap:
- There must be two bridges attached to the account.
- There must be an ONLINE bridge on the account that will act as the replacement.
- The ONLINE replacement bridge must not have any cameras attached to it.
Once these requirements are met, there will be a double arrow button on bridges that can be replaced. This is the swap button, which will be in the actions menu on the right side of the dashboard. The button is boxed in red here:
Clicking the swap button will allow you to select the bridge that is going to be the replacement.
In this example, Bridge Two will be replacing Bridge One.
Pressing the swap button for Bridge One will open a window that allows you to select which bridge is the replacement.
You will then select the replacement bridge from the drop down menu, and then click “Replace”. You will then be prompted with another message confirming the swap:
Clicking “Confirm Replace” will replace the bridge.
All cameras attached to Bridge One will transfer over to Bridge Two, and the historical camera video will not be lost.