Push messages suddenly stopped working

push messages from NVR to the Move App worked a long time. But now i do not receive them any more.
I checked in NVR and in the APP that push messages are turned on.
Instead i use email messages, but this is not optimal.

Could you help?


What brand of phone are you using?
It could be many things, but most of the time there is something blocking the app from showing notifications. I would suggest checking the phone settings, app settings, battery saving option, notifications settings etc.
Did you change any network equipment recently?

no, i did not change anything on the network equipment, but the firewall itself gets constant updates.
May something block the outgoing push messages? if yes please clarify how push messages are sent.

Yes, push messages were deactivated on my Sony xperia x10 mobilephone for some months. But re-activating or re-installation of the app did not work.