Q71_LED Ring_via_API_or_MQTT

Dear community.
I want to ask you, people with more experience than me, for advice (guidance on the right path).
I would like to control the LED ring on the Q71 camera independently of the event by sending a command from a third-party device (loxone miniserver)
The backlight can be controlled via soft button, or by setting in Image Control/General Image Settings and also in Event Control/General Even Settings, Event Overview, Action Group Overview depending on the event and the intensity of the external light.
All this works very well.
The LED turns on when there is an event, for example from an Activity Sensor, and stays on for the time set in Hardware Configuration/Assign Wires/Lights/Switch Time.

Given that the event also turns on other lights for me via IP-Notify, I need to set the maximum time (3600s) for the LED strip and be able to turn it off together with the other lights, or turn it on and off as required.
I can also do this via Event Overview/Message Events/IP Receive, but the on or off action is performed after 8 seconds – which is quite a lot.
That is actually my first question – Why does the camera execute this command with such a delay

Another alternative is to control the LED using an API command.
This should be done using the command:

After sending this command via a web browser, the browser displays the message “OK”, but the light does not turn on.
What else needs to be enabled, set up for the command to work?

Another alternative for control is MQTT.
However, I did not find a specific Topic for controlling the camera here.
Can anyone help me how to do it? Any specific example…

Thank you

I found out that the API commands are not used to turn on the LED ring, but to control a small (green, blue, red) LED.
those commands work ok.
unfortunately I did not find an API command to turn on, turn off the light.

API for WhiteRingON:
API for WhiteRingOFF:

now I play with MQTT, but there is same slmall delay for me (0.5-1s)