Reading the input and controlling the 2 output pins on a Mobotix One camera

Trying to read the input pin every 5 minutes or so. If that pin is active, I want to put a message on the camera screen in the lower corner. If not, I want to erase the message. That is the simplest portion of my task. If I can get that far, I might be able to do the next part myself.

I have looked on the internet for video on this. What I can find is out of focus and maybe outdated.

I do not want to trigger this via the Cloud: I want it self-contained in the camera software.

Is there a current video or even a written explanation on how to do this?

You could trigger two events based on level of the signal (on->off and off->on). Using these events either enable/disable display of logo, or send a command to change displayed text by utilizing action groups.


Thank you for the reply. There are two of us working this problem. We have both taken the training courses: I have taken the courses three times. We think we are savvy programmers with a reasonable grasp of IT language.

Even so, we cannot understand the process for programming a Mobotix camera.

At one time, I found a flow chart for the process but it escapes me now.

You have to set up events, then tigger them, then …?

I sincerely hope we are not the only ones with this problem.

Can you recommend a usefull video or written course that may be more understandable than what I can find in Mobotix courses?

An update: I have found a company to configure the camera for me.

That’s one way of solving a problem.

You can also register for ecampus, they have some usefull info there.

Calling a professional trained by Mobotix is ​​surely the best solution !!!