Moxa IO Devices integrated in MOBOTIX HUB
Moxa ioLogik E1200 and E2200 series integrated in MOBOTIX HUB: monitor and interact with them
Digital inputs and outputs integrated in MOBOTIX HUB.
Monitor the status of inputs and outputs from Moxa ioLogik E1200 and E2210 series, receive events in MOBOTIX HUB when they change status, change output status manually or with rules…
TEST MODE: verify that outputs are working properly.
Moxa IO Devices integrated in MOBOTIX HUB - Moxa ioLogik E1200 and E2200 series integrated in MOBOTIX HUB: monitor and interact with them
This plugin allows you to integrate your IO devices from Moxa ioLogik E1200 and E2200 series into MOBOTIX HUB.
Monitor the status of inputs and outputs, receive events when they change status, act on outputs to activate or deactivate them, both manually or automatically with MOBOTIX HUB rules.
You can decide which inputs or outputs you want to import in MOBOTIX HUB, and define rules and alarms on their status changes.
TEST MODE: The plugin lets you automatically check periodically that outputs are working correctly and responding to activation commands.
Key features
- Full integration with MOBOTIX HUB environment and logic: evnts, rules, alarms, actions, maps…
- Test Mode: check periodically that your outputs are working properly, and detect failures before they happen in a real situation.
- Integration with MOBOTIX HUB maps: simply drag and drop inputs and outputs and operate with right-click commands. See the status changes directly.
- Several supported devices: E1210, E1210-T, E1211, E1211-T, E1214, E1214-T, E2210 and E2210-T.
- Automate the activation or deactivation of outputs based on any event happened in MOBOTIX HUB by using plugin actions in rules
What is needed to use the plugin:
SGSE - Moxa IO Devices Monitor
How it works:
Simple configuration, just the connection commands, the model and the select which elements you want to create in MOBOTIX HUB.
Enable test mode: check periodically and automatically that outputs are responding to activation or deactivation commands.
Rules. You can trigger them with IO status changes, or you can act on the outputs status with actions.
Define alarms based on input/output status changes, connectivity issues or failed automated tests.
Full integration with MOBOTIX HUB: maps, alarms, cameras and more.
Manually activate or deactivate outputs from Desk Client maps.
Download / Support information
- More information on the plugin:
- Contact SGSE:
- MOBOTIX HUB Version used at the time of testing: 2024 R1
- SGSE Moxa IO Monitor PlugIn Version: 1.24.0523 or higher
How to install the plugin:
Installers: (3.5 MB)
The ZIP file contains two files:
- MOBOTIXMoxalOMonitor_Installer.msi
- Microsoft.Net-Framework4.7 + MobotixMoxaOMonitor_installer.exe (this is only required if you have not Microsoft Framework installed on your PC!)