Cloud Reseller Account - First Steps and add Users

In the article, we will look at the reseller initial registration and how additional users can be added to this cloud reseller account.
The first steps after a partner gets a reseller account are as follows.

1. Sign the Reseller Agreement

This Agreement regulates the basic principles of the cooperation between the contracting parties, such as remuneration and method of payment, duration and termination of the contract, as well as data protection and data processing.
By signing this agreement, both parties commit not to violate applicable laws, e.g. in connection with weapons of mass destruction, child pornography, terrorism, drug trafficking, etc.
By signing this agreement you do not enter into any commercial obligation; neither a minimum turnover nor a minimum order quantity is defined, nor is the actual use of the service or the sale of a “Bridge” required.
The agreement is valid for two years and will renew automatically

2. MOBOTIX creates a new Cloud Reseller Account.

Important: Partner provide a Email Address which is not used already in any Reseller or Sub Account. We require a unique Email Address as a User.

3. The applicant (partner email) receives an automatic invitation email from-

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4. Partner activates his account by creating his personal password.

ATTENTION: For security reasons, the activation link is only active for a maximum of 48 hours!

5. Partner can then log in with his email and the newly created password at

6. In this Cloud Reseller Account the partner can essentially:

• Create additional users in his Cloud Reseller Account, e.g. an employee of his company, and assign them the appropriate rights, up to admin rights.

• Create sub-accounts for his customers, e.g. car dealer BMW Mustermann.
* In the Sub Account Settings, check whether the functions are activated or deactivated accordingly. Here, for example, you can define whether the admin of the end customer is allowed to make changes to billing-relevant things at all, such as adding cameras, changing the resolution, activating analytics, etc.

IMPORTANT: For annual or multi-year billing periods, we generally recommend switching off the billing-relevant settings (Disabling Billing).

More details on billing-relevant settings of the sub account:

• Perform failure monitoring as well as maintenance activities on the customer’s systems.

We have a great introduction to how the initial commissioning takes place in a training video in our E-Campus area (partners can register there for FREE)!
Online Courses | MOBOTIX AG

After the initial setup of the customer system, the partner should enable the privacy mode for the end customer account. This allows the admin of the sub-account (end customer e.g. car dealer BMW Mustermann) to set access to his live and recorded images to Privacy Mode. The partner is then no longer able to view the sensitive live images and recordings. If required, the end customer can temporarily suspend this privacy protection for e.g. image settings for the partner. The control is 100% with the end customer and cannot be circumvented by the partner!

The typical answers to questions about data protection:

Important for billing:

The billing of a camera is activated as soon as it is registered in the Cloud beyond the end of the month.
Billing is only terminated as soon as the camera has been “deleted” from the account and all resources occupied by the camera in the Cloud are released! For that the User have to use the “Trashcan” Symbol in the camera to remove the specific camera from the Dashboard.
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UnPlugin the camera from the bridge is not sufficient to interrupt the billing of the cloud service for this camera!
